29 Dicembre 2023

5 spunti per approfondire (52/2023)


La rubrica settimanale con i consigli di lettura di RivistaEnergia.it, dall’Europa e dal mondo. Forse non le notizie più eclatanti, ma proprio per questo interessanti da approfondire. Settimana 52/2023

The U.S. is racing to overhaul how it powers its cars, trucks, buildings and industries. It has a long way to go. The Biden administration is investing hundreds of billions of dollars to cut the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and transition to cleaner energy. Getting there is going to take huge infrastructure projects and the development of technologies that once seemed like science fiction. Much of the work is just getting started.

Can America Reach Its Clean Energy Goals? Here’s Where It Stands
Articolo – The Wall Street Journal

“The US military is trying to reassure shipping companies that a multinational force is making it safe to sail through the Red Sea and Suez Canal even though attacks from Yemen-based Houthi rebels show no sign of stopping. The Pentagon is “engaged with industry on a near-daily basis to gauge needs and provide reassurance that the international community is there to help with safe passage,” Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Bryon McGarry, a Defense Department spokesperson for the Middle East and Africa, said Thursday in an emailed response to questions.”

US Tries to Persuade Shippers to Sail Red Sea Despite Houthi Attacks

Articolo – Bloomberg

“Japan’s nuclear power regulator on Wednesday lifted an operational ban imposed on Tokyo Electric Power’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant two years ago, allowing it to work towards gaining local permission to restart. Tepco has been eager to bring the world’s largest atomic power plant back online to slash operating costs, but a resumption still needs consent from the local governments of Niigata prefecture, Kashiwazaki city and Kariwa village, where it is located.”

Japan lifts operational ban on world’s biggest nuclear plant
Articolo – Reuters

“The 28th United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28) just concluded in Dubai, where heads of state, diplomats, climate experts, and environmental activists met for a stocktake of global efforts. New commitments were announced on methane emissions, reduction of fossil fuel use, growing renewable energy capacity, and nuclear energy. This COP is notable for this final agreement, the so-called UAE Consensus, which calls for countries to shift their energy systems quickly away from fossil fuels in a just and organized fashion. CSIS experts assess the strength and resiliency of these announcements to chart a path forward for comprehensive global climate action.”

Experts React: Decoding COP28’s Impact and Outcomes
Analisi – CSIS

“Energy islands are meant to facilitate offshore sector integration by combining offshore wind energy with power-to-x technologies and storage. In this study, we investigate the operation of electrolysers on energy islands, assess their potential contribution to flexibility provision, and analyse different market integration strategies of the islands. For this purpose, a two-stage stochastic optimisation model is developed to determine the cost-efficient dispatch for an integrated day-ahead and balancing electricity market. For the market integration of the energy island, we align our approach to the current debate and compare the case of a single offshore bidding zone to a case where the energy island is integrated into a home market zone. We find that electrolysers on energy islands will run at low capacity factors and provide flexibility in 29–36% of their run time. In addition, offshore electrolysers produce more hydrogen when they are allocated to an offshore bidding zone, and thus earn higher profits. We conclude that combining offshore wind with electrolysers on an energy island relies on additional economic incentives if their main role is envisioned to be the delivery of balancing flexibility.”

Electrolysis as a flexibility resource on energy islands: The case of the North Sea
Ricerca – Energy Policy

della stessa rubrica

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