La rubrica settimanale con i consigli di lettura di, dall’Europa e dal mondo. Forse non le notizie più eclatanti, ma proprio per questo interessanti da approfondire. Settimana 9/2024
“The cobalt market has been overwhelmed by a record glut as Chinese companies boost their output, with the surplus of the key electric car battery metal set to last until 2028, according to an influential market report. Production of the silvery metal surged 17 per cent year-on-year in 2023, flooding the market as global demand growth for electric vehicles sharply decelerated, according to an annual review by Darton Commodities, a UK-based cobalt trader.”
Cobalt market stung by record oversupply
Articolo – Financial Times
“Germany has scaled back plans to add more hydrogen-ready gas-fired capacity towards the end of the decade, but is now likely to allow gas-fired power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS). German climate and economy ministry BMWK earlier this month announced that it would “shortly” tender for a combined 10GW of hydrogen-ready gas-fired capacity. The gas-fired power plants would have to switch fully to hydrogen between 2035 and 2040, BMWK said, with the final date determined in or after 2032. In a previous draft from August last year, the ministry had outlined plans for 15GW of hydrogen-ready gas-fired plants, in addition to 8.8GW of capacity that would run on hydrogen from the start. But plans for the hydrogen-only plants have been scrapped entirely.”
Germany overhauls gas-fired capacity addition plans
Articolo – Argus Media
“The rest of this decade will see deeper integration of EU electricity grids to enable a sharing of renewables across the bloc – and with, a power boost for the Ljubljana-based EU energy watchdog ACER. Since the 1990s, European countries have been hard at work integrating their national electricity grids. Despite slow progress, flows between EU countries have become an important source of grid stability and lower consumer prices. The 2020s will prove another crucial decade.”
European power grids head towards an ever closer union – and a new watchdog
Articolo – Euractiv
“SQM, the world’s No. 2 lithium producer, is plowing ahead with expansions in an oversupplied market, building stockpiles of the battery metal to be ready when purchasing rebounds. The strategy is a doubled-edged sword for the market — by continuing to increase output when buyers are still running down inventories, SQM may help prolong the glut. But it’s also a bet on buyers returning as underlying electric-vehicle demand continues to grow in the shift away from fossil fuels.”
SQM expands into lithium glut in bet that buyers will return
Articolo –
“Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased as exceptional droughts hit hydropower, but rise was lower than in 2022 thanks to expansion of technologies such as solar, wind & EVs. Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before even as total energy demand growth accelerated, new IEA analysis shows, with continued expansion of solar PV, wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in CO2 emissions in the last five years would have been three times larger.”
Major growth of clean energy limited the rise in global emissions in 2023
Report – IEA
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